Science Promotion Unit

About Us

The Hong Kong Science Museum has recently established the Science Promotion Unit (SPU). Featuring curiosity, creativity, playfulness and collaboration, SPU encourage everyone to explore the incredible world of science in our daily lives. QK POST is the first programme launched. “QK” stands for “Quest for Knowledge”. By sharing fascinating science related to daily lives through online platforms, we explore the science behind from an interesting perspective. Recently, the SPU has conducted Science Café, a programme to allow participants to listen to stories of experts from different scientific fields in the aroma of coffee and share their views on science. The SPU will continue to explore different means to reach out to the community to promote science thinking in the society.

Contact Us

2 Science Museum Road, Tsimshatsui East, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Related Links
Hong Kong Science Museum 
LCSD Museums 
LCSD Plusss 
LCSD Edutainment Channel